What’s Up

Hi!! Life has been so busy lately that I meant to make a blog post last week and am only getting to it today. Now, that’s bad. I’m constantly pecking away at dyeing the fiber club, but I have a new plan and it’s to dye a certain amount of wool for the shop every week and put it in the shop for sneak attack updates. I did one last week and saw some new names on the orders, which was fun. I think this new arrangement is going to be pleasant for both me and people looking for my fiber.

The fiber club renewals are up for sale right now and will be available until the 27th. I’m not sure if there will be any slots available to new members this time around. I am running at capacity in the current club. I’ll definitely post here if/when I add new slots.

Life is about to get even busier. I’m preparing for Yarn School, which is May 7-10 this spring. There are a few slots left, if anyone wants to join us. Flights are so cheap! Nikol’s sheep had babies recently, so I’m looking forward to snuzzling some lambs in addition to hanging out with a bunch of awesome fibery people.

I’ve been all over the place as far as making stuff goes. Crochet took over for awhile:

93/2009: Practicing in White

It’s going to take over again because, despite being one of the hosts of the potholder swap, I haven’t made any potholders. :o I spent a lot of time practicing stitches and reading charts, especially in Japanese books.

Japanese Crochet Books and Thread
The book on the right is phenomenal. It’s Crochet Patterns Book Motifs Edgings 300 (ISBN9784529042338) and it’s all charts and very easy to understand, despite being a Japanese book.

Stuff I Love:

Green Porno: Isabella Rossellini’s very short films (viewable on the Sundance Channel’s website, although I watched them On Demand) about animal sexual behavior are a trip! Be sure to get your Green Porno name. I’m Pisces Pincertail.

TtV Photos: I only took my first Through the Viewfinder photos last night, but I can tell it’s my new favorite. I’ve got a Kodak Duaflex II and an Argus Seventy-Five that I’ll use with my Nikon D50 with 50mm f1.8 lens with 2x closeup filter. I’ve built the connecting contraption (shoddily) for the Kodak and have taken a few photos, including the one of seedlings below. The deal is, for anyone who isn’t familiar, you set it up so that your digital camera takes photos through the viewfinder of an old reflex camera. Super fun!

Gardening: We’ve been doing a lot more outdoor stuff now that the snow is gone. Raised beds have been built for vegetable gardens and seedlings are growing in the house.

106/2009: Seedlings

We always had a little kitchen garden in the city and had success with strawberries and herbs, but the sun was never quite bright enough for a bounty of anything. The new yard is a different story. Between the raspberry and blueberry bushes that were already in the yard and our two big raised beds, there should be a lot of canning and freezing in my future. I can’t wait!

Baby Animals: They’re everywhere! Local fiber artist/farmer Barb Parry’s sheep are lambing like crazy. Nikol Lohr’s sheep weren’t supposed to be knocked up but someone’s got three lambs. Watch them jump and listen to Nikol’s infectious laugh! My other favorite critters are Flickr’s LisaNH’s Tamworth piglets. She generously posts nearly daily pictures of their progress. Lovely.

The Commons on Flickr: Many institutions are publishing old photos on Flickr. The Library of Congress has enormous sets of beautiful images to peruse. Check out the 1930’s-1940’s in Color.

The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency: I haven’t read the books, but I certainly love the television show! It’s charming, funny, takes place in a super interesting place, and the characters and actors are wonderful. I find myself checking the DVR for it days before a new episode airs, like it will appear just because I want it to.

18 Responses to “What’s Up”

  1. Brooke

    Those pictures are amazing! I want to be able to take shots like that. I have a Nikon D40, but none of the other requirements. I love them. Maybe someday!

  2. Debbie

    I have been smitten with all of the potholders on the swap. They’re gorgeous. I’ve been trying for the past week to just make a Granny Square! I guess I’m not a crocheter. Knitting I get, but crocheting is frustrating me! I think it’s reading the pattern that is confusing me. Any suggestions for a great site for reading the patterns? Thank you!

  3. gudrun

    I did read some of the No.1 Ladies Detective Agency books and really enjoyed them…looking forward to seeing the TV series someday….need to look into this DVR thing!

  4. Barb

    I’m totally hooked on the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency.

    You and Mark must come see lambs while they’re still in the adorable mode.

  5. Annepålandet

    I had no idea there was a TV show on the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency, but I have read all the books. They are lovely, and it is almost unbelievable that they are written by a man, a scottish professor in medical law!
    Hopefully, they will show the TV show here in Norway as well.

  6. Mandy

    Okay. Frequent sneak attacks? I may never leave the computer.

    And I really like your little buttons at the top of the blog.

  7. GaietyGirl

    We saw the No.1 series on TV last year, and loved it. It’s so funny! I got the first two books for DH as a Christmas present, and he says they’re every bit as funny.

  8. Julianna

    That picture of the collection of buttons, shells and crochet is amazing! You’re so lucky to have a sunny garden.

  9. Karen

    Oh I was thinking of you the other day. I was sitting in the park with my knitting and my ipod. I am finally catching up on my “Fresh Air” podcasts and they had an interview with Idris Elba (Stringer Bell from the Wire.) He’s in the first episode of The No. 1 Ladies… I love him. Did you know that he is British. He has a lovely cockney accent. He’s no Omar but he’s in my top 5 of bad guys that I love.

  10. Jenny

    ran across your blog while i was surfin’ around some others. and you have some great content here. there’s lots to check out and i’m really enjoying my stay. i’d like to invite you for a pop on over to my blog if you’d like. i’d love to have you. :) i’ve subscribed to your feed so i’ll be coming back for sure.

  11. jessie

    Good luck with the gardening. I have similar seedlings all over the place. It’s such a fun time of year anticipating all the food ahead. (Not nearly as much ends up growing, given my lazy gardener skills, but May is all about potential.)

  12. Seanna Lea

    I think I’ve finally picked a potholder pattern this morning, but I wish I had seen those Japanese books last month. I would have ordered them in a heart beat! I love Japanese craft books.

  13. Valerie

    I’ve been lemming Crochet Patterns Book Motifs Edgings 300 for months now, and had just forgotten about it… Thanks for the reminder, off to Ebay I go!

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