This is representative of what you will receive for the Fiber Club and Coordinate Club.
Allow me to choose the breed, blend, and color each month

New Fiber Club subscriptions are paused for the moment! We got too big! I’ve left this page here as information for current and future members.

Hello, Fiber-Clubbers!

Sign-ups are open to all. Club ships every month at the end of the month and is paid for a month in advance. Your payment during any given month will reserve your spot in the club for the next month. Auto-renewal payments are charged on the same day every month, the day you first subscribed. For instance, if you first subscribe on the 15th, you are always charged on the 15th. PLEASE NOTE: This will mean you will most likely be charged twice before you get your first club installment. I need this lead time to add up the orders, make sure I have enough fiber, dye, dry, package, and ship your delightful wool. If this makes you nervous, please be assured that the Hello Yarn Fiber Club has been around since 2007 and everyone has always gotten their fiber.

Your payment and subscription is handled by PayPal. You’ll be given the option to pay with a credit card, as well. If you need to cancel your subscription, you may do so here. If you’d like to change your subscription, you may cancel your current one and start fresh with a new subscription of your choice. If you need any help with any of this, email I’m so happy to help.

If you need to change your address, email me at and let me know so I can change the address for the current month. I’m also able to change it on PayPal for you for coming months. I can change your subscription or pause it for you, if you need that.

Extras, coordinates, and everything else are still sold through the shop. I’ll combine extras and coordinates with club like always, if possible, to save you shipping costs.

There are several clubs to choose from. The Single and Double clubs are one or two 4 oz. bags of the multi-colored fiber of the month. Breed/blend and colors are a surprise. You’ll receive a selection of fine, medium, and luxury blends over the course of the club. The Coordinate Pack is a 6 oz. bag of 6 semi-solid colors that coordinate with the multi-colored Club fiber. You can subscribe to either or a combination.

Club starts at $22 USD per month plus shipping. Click on the options below to choose the club that’s right for you.

Come visit our group on Ravelry! You can see what everyone is doing with their wool, show what you’re doing with yours, and get previews of club coloways and shop updates. Visit and use the #helloyarn and #helloyarnfiberclub hashtags on Instagram to show off and see other Hello Yarn projects.

Thank you so much, everyone, and I hope you love your wool!