Finished Object: Jackyll & Hide


Ooh, scary!

Pattern: Jackyll & Hide from Fall 2007 Knitty
Yarn: Plymouth Tweed (a worsted weight), colorway 530, just a tad more than 2 skeins.
Needle: size 7 Addi Turbo for magic loopin’
Gauge: 4.5 sts. per inch
Size: one size- 16.75″ around head/face
Fit: It’s okay on my head, which is 21″ around the widest part (nose), but on my husband, the model, whose head is a little bigger, it’s a little tight.

Thoughts and Modifications:

This pattern is simple and fantastic and so, so scary-looking. I love it.

What I hadn’t considered is that my glasses won’t fit under this. I plan to wear it to hand out candy on Halloween, and I hope the kids don’t figure out they can get me to give them candy 14 times each because I can’t actually see them!

One thing that bothered me about the pattern as written was the eye holes, which weren’t quite tidy enough for me. I moved the increases and decreases one stitch away from the edge, didn’t bind off the bottom two stitches, since that creates a gap between stitches, but rather kept them on holders throughout, then did a single crochet edging around the hole, binding off those two stitches with that. I used M1F for the increase on the left side (facing you) of the eye hole and M1B for the right. See here for those increases. The neatness pleases me. It makes the eye holes a little smaller, and if I were to do this again, I’d make them bigger to start with. As you can see, the width of the strip of fabric between the eye holes makes Mr. HelloYarn’s eyes look a little wonky. He may or may not have played this up for one of the photos.

I also changed the first K2TOG of the decreases at the top of the hat to SSK, which is personal preference again.

Happy Halloween. BOO!!

26 Responses to “Finished Object: Jackyll & Hide”

  1. Nubiancraftster

    That is freaky!!! I was scared enough with the knitty post itself. Don’t know why this mask is so scary but it surely is. Have fun terrorizing the kids :O)

  2. loribird

    Definitely scary. You know, you could wear your glasses over the mask, and it might even be creepier…

  3. tifanie

    oh, this is gooood. i wonder if i can wear ski goggles over those eyeholes? if so, this would be perfect (for me) for skiing. hmmm. i’m bookmarking this. excellent job. ;)

  4. Felicia

    Definitely freaky–eek! Cringe.
    I’m with loribird, wear the glasses, there are too many cool things to see on Halloween. Have fun!

  5. Marlena

    That mask is spooky as heck. The kids will be too afraid to try to take advantage! And yeah, sometimes I hate wearing glasses.

  6. Maritza

    This is so cool! I have been meaning to knit this, so thanks for sharing your thoughts and tips for the eyeholes. Happy Halloween!

  7. maryse

    spooky — it’s really awesome and wish i had time to knit this. but i won’t even be home for trick or treating this year. i’ll be in class until 10.

  8. Mandy

    My little Maggie says of your mask: “pookie” which I think means “spooky.” She also said owl, so maybe it looks like a spooky owl? I dunno, but it’s fantastic.

  9. Arleta

    Freaky! That is great. I know a few people here who might force me to knit it, if they saw it!

  10. Kathleen

    Very, very creepy–in a good way.

    Next time you could make some ear holes for your eyeglass side pieces and wear some ghastly looking sunglasses over it. That would really freak out the little goblins.


  11. nuttnbunny

    That settles it. I SO regret not getting my act together to knit this before Halloween. I blame you, you and your obscenely beautiful fiber! :-)

    Thanks for the mods. I’ll definitely incorporate in ours. Liking that tidiness.

  12. Pat

    Oh – I wish I had made one of those for tonight! Very scary – I esp. love the cross eyed picture!

  13. jessie

    I was so happy to see this on your blog. I just made one (in black, by request) but I haven’t sewn on the white nose and mouth yet. It’s for a friend who looks quite mild-mannered on the outside, but has a wild side not many people see. Perfect.

    I did think the eye holes could be neater, but in the end I decided it added to the scary look. (And that’s what we call “a copout.”)

    Looks great.

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