Shop Update Today!

Today at 2 pm EST, I’ll be adding a whole mess o’ stuff to the shop.

I think this is my favorite:

Plunge Fat Sock

I’ve dyed up tons of Fat Sock for all the BSJs and toasty socks you know you want to knit, plus Sock in gentle colors, BFL Sock in Single Color skeins, Single Color Lace Weight Wool in saturated colors, plus lots of Corriedale, Merino, and BFL spinning fibers and kits.

Sarah from Maisy Day Handspun send hand-dyed Merino sock yarn and some handspun, including a glorious fat skein of South African Fine Wool handspun in fruity colors that I want to steal for myself.

As usual, shop here and see it all over at Flickr.

Thanks so much!

4 Responses to “Shop Update Today!”

  1. regina

    Waaaaahhhh! I just tried to buy two skeins of the fat sock in Plunge, but it’s all gone. Sniff. Maybe next time. It’s gorgeous stuff!

  2. Deborah

    Regina: Go back and look again! It’s there now. I noticed that items would disappear and then reappear later. I thought the BFL sock yarn was all gone, but I looked several hours later, and it was back, so I grabbed it. That’s happened to me before too. Don’t know if it’s my browser or what.

  3. wcedar

    how many stitches required for the fat sock yarn and what size needles…thanks the colors are gorgeous

  4. jennifer

    dude, this not having internet sucks! I missed good stuff!

    And I so have jury duty in a week as well!

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