Cabled Cormo Hat

First off, the shop is back open. Thanks for your patience, everyone! I’ve moved it to a big new server all on its own and things are looking good. We’ll have to give it a little workout with the fiber club sign-ups soon. I’ll do them after we move on Sept. 5. There’ll be lots of warning here. Never fear!

Also, we’re finally buying the house tomorrow. I cannot even describe how much we never want to buy a house and/or move again. We plan on being super old and doddering around in that same old farmhouse, let me tell ya. Buying the house took a lot more time and effort than we ever imagined, hence the virtual silence on my part around here and the putting off of the fiber club sign-ups.

Have I shown photos of the house?
It’s a really solid little farmhouse built around 1900. All the major stuff has been updated, leaving us with the delightful chore of updating the dated decor. It’s exactly what we wanted- no updating needed that’s over our heads (plumbing, electrical, etc.) but lots of carpet to rip out, paneling to take down, light fixtures to shudder at the sight of and replace. We’re thrilled! I’ve got grand plans for a toadstool/gnome/terrarium-themed dining room. Mr. HelloYarn does not know this yet. :P

Continuing in the real estate theme, I made a hat as a gift for our buyer agent. Dave is awesome (and I hope he doesn’t read this blog, because I don’t want the surprise ruined) and loves shopping/eating local and has been a great help in pointing us toward places to shop and eat in our new town. So, this hat is super local. I got the fleece used for the yarn from Alice Field of Foxhill Farm in Lee, MA. Here’s the fleece before. I highly recommend Alice’s fleece! Cormo, as you probably know, is gorgeous and soft stuff. This fleece had a silkiness to it that, when combined with the amazing softness, made a fantastic, squishysoft yarn.

It’s gonna be cold in Western MA during the winter, at least that’s what everyone keeps telling me. Colder than it is here in our house only a few blocks from the ocean here in Boston. I shudder to think. It gets COLD here. Right, Bostonians?

Cormo Cabled Hat

Cormo Cabled Hat

Cormo Cabled Hat

Greenery Hat by Lilith Parker
Ravel that bad boy.

This used about 225 yards/102 grams of my handspun worsted weight Cormo chain-plyed (3 ply) yarn.

I handcarded this fleece before spinning. It really begged to be combed, but I didn’t have the patience and carded very delicately so as to not damage the fiber. It worked out well. The yarn’s a little more rustic than it would have been had the fleece been combed, but the 3 plies evened each other out quite well. Chain plying (aka Navajo plying) isn’t my favorite way to make a 3-ply yarn, but the yarn was a little thin as a 2-ply and with two bobbins of singles, chain-plying was the simplest way to get a bulkier yarn.

To get a fabric I liked in this yarn, I had to knit at a tighter gauge than the pattern specified, so I had to add 2 cable repeats to the circumference and one full repeat to the length of the hat. I also made the top of the hat cleaner looking (totally personal preference) by taking a cable twist out at the top.

This is a very attractive pattern and a fun knit. I highly recommend it!

35 Responses to “Cabled Cormo Hat”

  1. Jodi

    Beautiful hat! It looks so soft, warm, and cozy. Congrats on the house! It looks wonderful — some of the photos and comments in the flickr pool are downright hilarious, though.

  2. Rosa

    Congratulations on the new house. It is spectacular. You will enjoy your years there. Remember, there is no deadline to complete things. It looks like it is perfect, but needs your style. Great handspun hat. I definitely have to score some Cormo.

  3. Carole

    The buying process stinks but once you’re settled in and redecorating you’ll forget all about that and just love it.

  4. hadley

    Moving does stink royally, as does the house buying process. I’m happy for you both, though. The house looks lovely, as does that hat!

    Two blocks from the ocean? Forget the cold. That sounds lovely! Just make yourself a thrummed sweater…

    All the best with moving and selling yarn.

  5. kristin

    LOVE the hat. When we move again, I’m picking up the house and taking it with me, ugly red basement carpet and all.

  6. whitney

    Congrats on the house…you have all my sympathies on the buying/moving process, but your house is going to be awesome!

    I really love that hat. So squooshy! What a great gift for your buyer agent.

  7. Shana

    Congrats on the cute new house! I kind of love the frenetically beautiful wallpaper in the guest bedroom. Shelburne Falls IS awesome!! I hope you both frolic in the falls in the middle of town after you move in, and before the cold hits. I bet the winter will be deliciously cold, with wood fires and knitting and snow-shoeing. I think Western Mass is the best, but I’m from CT and have northern neighbor state envy. Hope you get over to Mass MOCA and maybe participate in the excellent craft fair in Northampton! Suppose I should introduce myself now that I’ve blabbed all over your blog — I’m smgoldin, a ravelry friend and future fiber club customer. :) I’ve been enjoying checking out your work all year! Good luck with the move. I’m doing that right now too. It sucks, but at least the end is in sight!

  8. Kristin

    The pictures of your new house are fantastic. I got a bit choaked up because your kitchen cabinets are near identicle to those in our family farm house which was built right around the same time. I was lucky enough to live there for a few years, and from that I know you’ll truly love and appreciate the special qualities of a home like that. Enjoy!

  9. Popo

    I could stare at that hat all day. I am mesmerized by it.

    Can’t wait to see what you do to the new pad!

  10. Shaina

    That house is AMAZING. But just think! The colder it is, the closer you will be to becoming Elizabeth Zimmermann. (At least that’s how it works in my mind.)

  11. stacey

    Congrats on the beautiful house and welcome to this half of MA! :) It does get downright cold here – and lots of snow compared to Boston! I think you’ll love it though. We’re not that far apart, and my mother in law is right around the corner from you in Shutesbury….we should meet sometime!

  12. Jennifer

    Gosh, I was certain that you were handcarding that cormo fleece for me. :)

    I do love that cable pattern, perhaps I need a new hat.

  13. Valerie

    Every so often my kids start looking around at for-sale signs and asking if we can move–and I say, SURE! You can move out as soon as you’re 18.

    I love your house–it’s charming and the location looks fantastic. Your agent deserves something wonderful–but don’t you want to send me that hat? ‘Cause, um…I’m such a loyal blog reader…

  14. Mandy

    Congrats on the house…no one really ever tells you what a pain in the butt it is to buy a house. Thank goodness for nice realtors, to make the process a bit easier.

    Can’t wait to see the gnome room!!!

  15. Cirilia

    You’re going to love Western Mass. I’m so utterly homesick for it (I’m in Providence during the week now for my job at Berroco, but in Amherst on the weekends!)

    Will you be free for this:

  16. Susan

    Beautiful hat, I aspire to cables that lovely. Best wishes on the new home, I hope someday to move to a place with a yard like that… Not a squished So Cal 22×50… Sigh.

  17. knithoundbrooklyn

    Congratulations on the new house – it looks wonderful. The hat is gorgeous and I bet the RE Agent will be really touched. How very special to have a hat not only hand knit but also spun and processed by the knitter! Cool.

  18. Holly

    Congratulations on the end of the house-buying being in sight! We went through that process 3 years ago, and it’s a terror. Just when you think you have everything in order, someone else needs another copy of something or another statement or or or…

    But now’s the fun part–making everything how you like it!

    And gorgeous hat. That pattern might end up in my queue.

  19. mia

    WOW. I love the house. Shelburne Falls is supposed to be so cool. My family lives in Amherst, MA, and I can’t wait to move back to Western MA some day…My hubby and I are trying to buy a house in eastern MA and are finding it very annoying. I love your new house, and it will be so great with little fun updates! Congrats.

  20. Lindsey

    I LOVE your house! I wish I could talk the husband into moving to Western Mass! I don’t think it’ll happen, though. Congratulations on buying it!

  21. Manise

    Cute house. Good luck with the move! Love your Cormo hat. I have 2 of Alice Field’s fleeces- Elegance (2007) and Cleome (2008). Her fleeces are super.

  22. Angie

    Welcome to Western Mass! You’re going to love it here… and think how much closer you’ll be to WEBS! Shelburne Falls is just beautiful. I’m down in Springfield, and it’s a favorite Sunday drive for our family. Don’t worry about the cold… it’s a really good excuse to knit more winter woolies!

  23. Cathy McQ

    Love the house and the hat! Congratulations on your new purchase and I hope you have great fun with the new “do” you’ll be giving the dining room and such. Shambles should have a grand time in that backyard!

  24. Thalia

    The hat is adorable…but THE HOUSE!!!! I covet your house, it is gorgeous! (Crazy bedroom wallpaper notwithstanding.) (And little orange room.) I’m looking forward to seeing what you guys do with it.

  25. knitica

    I love the hat! The cables are wonderfully defined, and I can almost feel that soft squishy cormo.

    Funny, for me carding takes way more patience that combing!

  26. Abby

    Lucky you! Shelburne Falls is a beautiful area, when I was in college I had friends living there and I visited frequently (this was in 1999-2002 timeframe). It gets cold, but it’s manageable cold. I am a die-hard born-and-bred Southern girl from Kentucky, and I survived two New England winters before I changed schools, you can do it too.

  27. dawn

    Congrats! Really loverly house!!! “I’ve got grand plans for a toadstool/gnome/terrarium-themed dining room. Mr. HelloYarn does not know this yet.” I laughed out loud at this! This is just the kind of thing I’d do and JUST the way my husband would find out about it! COme visit me at the gnomegarden sometime. We can dream up some gnome-filled interiors!

  28. WonderMike

    How jealous am I of your new domicile? Very. Here’s wishing you the smoothest of moves and lots of new happy memories to come.

  29. Nancy

    Hi! Would it be possible to put me on e-mail notification for fiddlehead mitten kits in November? thank you Nancy

  30. =Tamar

    The hat is lovely.
    Inland cold is different from seaside cold.
    It’s drier.

  31. Kristen

    You have purchased my Grandparents house! :) Not really a “farmhouse”, since there was never any farm around it, but I would be the perfect farmhouse. :) I have left you some comments on your flickr photos giving you some nice history and info on the place. I would love to share with you more GREAT shots of the place I have taken over the years. Alot of music, knitting and love was fostered in that house. Seems like “fate” has had a hand in this and more knitting and music, expecially the banjo, will continue to exist there! Good Luck!

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