Shop Update Today

There really will be a shop update today at 2pm EST, with just Hello Yarn yarns and fibers. Sarah of Maisy Day Handspun is furiously getting ready for Oregon Flock and Fiber. If you’re in that neck of the woods, you should visit her booth!

Mexicali Sock

Today I’ll have hand-dyed Sock, Fat Sock, and Single Color Lace skeins, including the most difficult to photograph blue Fat Sock ever made. :) There’s also hand-dyed Merino and BFL wool fiber. BFL is great for new spinners, so I’ll make those available as spindle kits, as well.

After this update, I’ll be concentrating on getting the fiber club out and getting ready for Yarn School, which is so very soon. When I’m back, I’ll be dyeing up a whole bunch of yarn in all of my new yarn bases. A box big enough to hold two adults showed up last night and boy, was it filled with soft gorgeousness!

Shop away at 2 pm EST.
See it all on Flickr.

9 Responses to “Shop Update Today”

  1. Jen

    Say, do you know what weight yarn is used for the BSJ? I have seen you mention that “fat sock” is good for it, but I thought it needed DK weight. I know they say use a thicker yarn for a bigger kid, but I’d like to make one for a specific 6 month old!!!

  2. Amber Lee

    I managed to miss all that, but I am excited to Sarah again, last year I went nuts at her booth. Now if only I could go to that and Yarn School. :)

  3. regina

    did i miss everything? crikey. i kept hitting “reload,” but I think i completely missed out. Sigh.

  4. filambulle

    damned headache! I got to bed too soon.
    I wish you much fun in your yarn school. That must be great!
    Beautiful yarn, btw…
    xo from switzerland

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